Women's Health

amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, PMS, vaginitis

(F) Flower Essence, (G) Gem Essence (H) Herb (Hom) Homeopathic Remedy

AMENORRHEA - the absence or abnormal cessation of menstruation.

Graphites (Hom)-

Kali carb (Hom)-

Nat mur (Hom) -

Pulsatilla (Hom) -

Senecio (Hom) -

Sepia (Hom) -

DYSMENORRHEA - menstruation accompanied by painful cramps.

Belladonna (Hom) -

Chamomilla (Hom) -

Cimicifuga (Hom) -

Cocculus (Hom) -

Colocynthis (Hom) -

Nux vomica (Hom) -

Viburnum opulus (H) Cramp bark - relaxes muscular tension and spasm in ovarian and uterine muscle problems.

PMS - PRE MENSTRUAL SYNDROME; in the days leadingup to menstruation can experience tension, anxiety, agitation, depression, water retention, breast sensitivity.

Calc carb (Hom) -

Kali carb (Hom) -

Lachesis (Hom) -

Lycopodium (Hom) -

Nat Mur (Hom) -

Pulsatilla (Hom) -

Sepia (Hom) -

VAGINITIS - An imbalance in the intricate mix of bacteria and fungi that make up the complex, acidic environment of the vagina. Imbalances are caused by bacteria, yeast, hormonal imbalances. Conflicts in the area of sexuality also relate to infection susceptibilty in this area.

Alumina (Hom) -

Borax (Hom) -

Calc carb (Hom) -

Kreosotum (Hom) -

Nitric acid (Hom) -

Pulsatilla (Hom) -

Sepia (Hom) -


breast feeding, breast inflammation,
breast tumors, ovary conditions, miscarriage


Bryonia (Hom) -

Calc carb (Hom) -

Lac Caninum (Hom) -

Phytolacca (Hom) -

Pulsatilla (Hom) -

Ricinis (Hom) -

Silicea (Hom) -


Belladonna (Hom) -

Bryonia (Hom)-

Chamomilla (Hom) -

Conium (Hom) -

Lac Caninum (Hom) -

Phytolacca (Hom) -

Silicea (Hom) -


Bellis (Hom) -

Calc fluor (Hom) -

Chimaphila (Hom) -

Clematis (Hom) -

Conium (Hom) -

Hydrastis (Hom) -

Phytolacca (Hom) -

OVARY CONDITIONS - inflammation, infections, cysts or tumors. Homepathy places great importance on the powerful effect of the ovaries on emotional health.

Apis (Hom) Honey Bee -

Colocynthis (Hom) Bitter Cucumber -

Lachesis (Hom) Bushmaster Snake -

Lilium tig (Hom) Tiger Lily -

Lycopodium (Hom) Club Moss -

Platina (Hom) Platinum -


Aletris (Hom) Star Grass -

Caulophyllum (Hom) Blue Cohosh -

Cimicifuga (Hom) Black Cohosh -

Helonias (Hom) Unicorn Root -

Sabina (Hom) Savine Juniper -

Secale (Hom) Ergot -

Sepia (Hom) Cuttlefish Ink -



MENOPAUSE - a normal part of the aging process that occurs around the age of 50, as ovary function declines, and pituitary hormones increase in an attempt to stimulate them back into action. The adrenal glands can partially take over for the ovaries, so adrenal strength is crucial to successfully navigating this life period.

Belladonna (Hom) Nightshade -

Cimicifuga (Hom) Black Cohosh -

Lachesis (Hom) Bushmaster Snake -

Sanguinaria (Hom Bloodroot -

Sepia (Hom) Cuttlefish Ink -

Suphur (Hom) -