Emotional Health
Emotional Health
anger, anxiety, depression, low self esteem
(F) Flower Essence (G) Gem Essence (H) Herb (Hom) Homeopathic Remedy
Aconitum (Hom) Monkshood - anguish, fear of death, can predict the time. Sudden intense panic attacks. Anxiety from shock, accidents, injury, earthquakes, seeing death or evil, fevers. Fear in crowds, narrow spaces, fear of the outdoors of crossing the street. Fear of losing control. Restless. Nervous excitability. Easily startled. Hyperventilates. Tingling or numb, burning pains. Palpitations, faintness. Worse at twilight, midnight, cold winds, music. Better from open air and rest.
Anacardium (Hom) Marking Nut - Deep lack of self esteem, has difficult time making decisions. Lack of confidence in oneself and others. Malicious, cruel, irresistible desire to curse and swear. Feels as if one has two wills, an inner struggle between angel and devil. Suspicious, hard-hearted, frustrated, feels dominated and abused. Forgetful, absent-minded, everything seems to be in a dream. Hates contradiction. Acts childish. Anacardium follows Lycopodium and Pulsatilla well and can be used before or after Platina.
Argentum nitricum (Hom) Nitrate of Silver - Nervous, always in a hurry, must walk fast. Anxious, irritable, nervous, impulsive, obsessive. Fear of heights, closed spaces, being late, robbers, dying. Fear of failure; doesn’t try. Dread of events, speaking in public, tests. Desires company, talking. Diarrhea from nerves. Trembling and weakness. Worse from sweets, cold food, warmth, being indoors. Better from motion, open air, wind blowing in face.
Ars alb (Hom) -Fear of death, robbers, closed spaces, own health and health of family. Depression, melancholy, despairing, indifferent. Anxious, fearful,, restless. Paranoid, feels lonely and threatened. Irritable, peevish, feels easily vexed. Mentally restless. Obsessed with order, cleanliness. Dependent, yet mistrusting, selfish and miserly. Chilly with burning pains. Worse after midnight, from cold, cold foods or drinks, when alone. Better from heat in general, being busy.
Aurum metallicum (Hom) Gold - Profound melancholy. Hopeless, despair, fits of anger. Suicidal; cheered by thoughts offending it. Silent brooding. Forsaken. Responsible, ambitious, workaholic. Loss of money, respect, love, power. Life has lost value, meaningless. Fits of anger. Sense of failure, worthlessness. Blames oneself, guilt. Violent outbursts. Worse in cold air, when getting cold, while lying down, mental exertion. Better from warm air, in the morning, during summer, and from music.
Avena sativa (H) Oatstraw - One of the best remedies for feeding the nervous system, especially when under stress. A specific in cases of nervous debility and exhaustion when associated with depression. It may be used with most other nervines, both relaxant and stimulatory, to strengthen the whole of the nervous system. Infusion in combination with other herbs or liquid extract.
Baryta (Hom) - Shy, reserved, feels inferior, hides from strangers. Fearful, mistrustful, lack of self confidence. Silly fears. Hardworking, conscientious, sympathetic, but conservative. Acts childish, emotionally immature. Dependent on others. Can’t make decisions. Naive and simplistic. Not compatible with Calcarea carbonica.
Borago officinalis (F) Borage - Increases courage, drives away sorrow, opens one to happiness by opening the heart chakra. For those suffering grief, loss, sadness or discouragement. It lifts the spirits and helps prevent depression.
Bryonia (Hom) Wild Hops - Irritable and easily angered from contradiction, humiliation, grief, bad news, ones own mistakes. Silent anger. Passionate rage, shouting. Red faced. Angry dreams. Homesick but wants solitude, Suspicious. Worse from any motion, noise, touch, a.m., and evening. Better from rest.
Calc Carb (Hom) Oster Shell - Fear of losing control, poverty, the future, that something bad will happen, infection. Fear of heart disease, cancer, insanity. Full of worries, doubtful of recovery. Affected by sad scenes. Feels as if being watched, criticized. Stubborn. Tired and confused. Worse from cold and damp. Exertion, the dark, before menses. Better after breakfast.
Chamomilla (Hom) Matricaria recutita - Intensely irritable, quarrelsome, abusive, uncontrolled fits of anger. Whining, complaining, contrary. Aversion to being touched or being spoken to. Anger causes colic, diarrhea, seizures. Sensitive to pain, touch. Impatient. Moody, changeable, asks for something and then refuses it. Good remedy for children. Worse from coffee and at night. Better from walking, being carried. Can antidote the effects of too much coffee.
Chamomilla (H) Matricaria recutita - An excellent, gentle sedative, safe for use by children. Useful for anxiety and insomnia. Infusion or tincture.
Chamomile (F) Matricaria recutita - Helps to ease emotional problems and soothe anger and conflict. Best for those who are moody, chamngeable, easily upset, irritable, imnpatient, and angry. Inner tension and disharmony can cause stomach problems. Helps one to stand back from day to day things that irritate and annoy and to find a place of calm and serenity.
Colocynthis (Hom) Bitter Cucumber - Anger, explosive or silent brooding. Wants solitude, aversion to talking, becomes angry. Anger from humiliation, failures, criticism, bad news, grief, seeing others suffer, from being in pain. Easily offended, complaining. Restless with anger. Indignation at injustice. Cramps from anger that make one double over in pain. Worse from anger.
Gelsemium (Hom) Yellow Jasmine - Anxiety from anticipation. Fear of losing control, public appearances, open spaces, exams, or any new situation. Desires quiet. Loss of will. Feels paralyzed; dull, weak, trembling, uncoordinated. Heavy limbs, dizzy. Worse from bad news, tobacco smoking, when thinking of one’s ailments, damp weather. Better from cold, open air.
Gentian lutea (F) - For those who are easily discouraged and prone to despondency and depression. The eternal pessimist, often bitter. Helps people to have more faith in themselves, and more confidence and trust in their innate abilities. Ability to cope better with setbacks and difficulties and be less prone to despondency and despair.
Graphites (Hom) Black Lead - Timid, cowardly, full of self-doubt that produces anxiety. Worries over little things. Excessive cautiousness, hesitates, unable to decide about anything. Sad, despondent, music causes weeping. Difficulty concentrating, absent-minded. Anticipates disasters, misfortune, anxiety about the future. Fearful. Restless, fidgety, sensitive to any little change. Guilty. Worse at night.
Helianthus annus (F) Sunflower - For those who suffer from low self esteem, or lack of self confidence that looks like arrogance, haughtiness or vanity. For anger or hostility from conflicts with Father or Father figure during childhood this essence increases understanding in this area.
Ignatia (Hom) St. Ignatius Bean - Idealist, romanticist, responsible. Self-reproach, shame, silent grief. Depression from acute loss, grief, broken heart, shock, fright, upsets, anger. Changeable moods; weeping, laughter, rage. Mental and physical exhaustion from long held grief. Easily offended. Irritable, worse from consolation. Sensitive to touch, tobacco, coffee. Involuntary sighing. Lump in throat, sobbing, bites lip. Better from warmth, walking. Incompatible with Nux vomica.
Iris versicolor (F) Blue Flag - Angry and frustrated by lack of inspiration or imperfections. For those who feel creatively stifled or blocked and lack trust in their inate abilities to be creative and happy. Helps to release blocks and allow one to draw on inspiration from within and without, to become more fully alive. Helps to eliminate negative feelings about oneself and trust in one's inner resources.
Lac caninum (Hom) Dog's Milk - Inferiority complex, self hatred, feels ugly, unloved, unclean, stupid. The underdog, ignored, neglected, scorned. Deep dark depression. Suppressed by others, blaming oneself. After sexual abuse. Blames others with rage, hatred, meanness. Malicious and defensive. Fear of having an incurable disease, of failure, of death, being alone. Chronically blue. Anxiety attacks. Better from rest.
Lavandula officinalis (F) Lavender - For balancing the emotions, to relieve anxiety, depression and reduce stress and conflict. It calms the mind and helps to ease emotional conflicts. Activates the crown chakra, stimulates awareness and helps one to connect with Higher Self.
Lavandula officinalis (H) Lavender - A gentle strengthening tonic of the nervous system, useful in the clearing of depression. Infusion. Combines well with rosemary or skullcap.
Larix decidua (F) Larch - Melancholy and despondency that arises from a sense of inferiority. Suffers from lack of self confidence and an unconscious feeling that they are less able than others. They often do not attempt things for fear of failure. They deprive themselves of opportunities in life. Larch enables one to recognize hidden abilities and to increase self-confidence and self esteem. It helps one to persevere despite setbacks by having a more positive, open attitude about the outcome.
Lycopodium (Hom) Club Moss - Mild, introverted, timid, lacks confidence alternating with arrogance, rage, egotism. Power struggles, feels superior, dictatorial or powerless, cowardly. Unexpressed anger, then abusive outbursts. Intellectual but poor memory. Craves sweets. Lonely but avoids people. Shuns responsibility. Lacks courage, feels inadequate yet critical of others. Likes company yet fears commitment. Dependent on others but dislikes demands on self. Intestinal gas and bloating. Worse a.m., 4-8p.m., and from heat. This remedy is antidoted by coffee.
Melissa officinalis (F) Lemon Balm - Lifts the spirits and balances the emotions. excellent for those whose health or strength has been depleted by stress or over concern for others. Increases inner strength.
Melissa officinalis (H) Lemon Balm - For anxiety or depression especially where associated with stomach upset. Infusion or tincture. Can be combined with lavender.
Nat mur (Hom) Chloride of Sodium - Deep emotional wounds, more profound than ignatia, Silent, suppressed grief. Responsible, sympathetic to other’s suffering. Guarded, closed, defensive, though sensitive. Vulnerable, easily hurt. Forsaken. Seeks solitude, yet feels isolated. Averse to consolation. Hopeless, cynical, resentful. Dwells on past trauma, self-blame. Worse from sea air, at the seashore, heat of sun, mental exertion. Better in the open air, cold bathing, going without regular meals.
Nux vomica (Hom) Poison Nut - Intense, irritable, impatient temperament. Ambitious, driven, jealous. Constant stress, tension. Highly critical, fault finding, spiteful, deceptive, picky. Argumentative, violent, stubborn. Hypersensitive to noise, touch, light. Abuse of alcohol, coffee, drugs. Worse in the morning, after eating or over eating. Better in the evening, while at rest, and in damp wet weather.
Phos acid (Hom) Phosphoric acid -A pathetic, indifferent, resignation. Dull, can’t collect words or thoughts. Lassitude, listless and weak. Mild, passive. Loss of appetite. Chilly. Overwhelmed. Depression from overwork, study, grief, broken hart, burn-out, adolescent growth spurts. Effects from loss of fluids. Night sweats. Worse from sleep.
Phos (Hom Phosphorus - Sensitive, impressionable, suggestible, sympathetic. Likes interacting. Fear from darkness, death, being alone, illness, robbers, ghosts, monsters. Anxiety about health, anxiety that something might happen. Hypoglycemia, thirst. Worse when alone or cold, from sleep and storms. Better with consolation, and from warmth.
Pulsatilla (Hom) Wind Flower - Sweet, mild, gentle, can’t refuse others. Needs to give and receive love. Depression from grief, loss, jealousy, anticipation, disappointment, indignation. Feels forsaken. Desires company and consolation, but irritable and snappish. Emotional, weeps easily, moody. Guilt and shame, rigid ideals, picky. Worse heat, evening. Better fresh air, gentle motion, eating and drinking cold things.
Rescue Remedy (F) - A Bach flower combination remedy made with Impatiens, Star of Bethlehem, Cherry Plum, Rock Rose, and Clematis. For shock of any kind, sudden bad news, fearfulness, terror, panic, apprehension, tension, feeling bothered, having an over active mind.
Scutellaria laterifolia (H) Skullcap - Relaxes states of nervous tension while renewing and revivifying the central nervous system. It may be used in all exhausted or depressed conditions.
Sepia (Hom) Cuttlefish Ink - Overwhelmed, tired, indifferent to loved ones. Emotionally closed, cold. Desires solitude, silence, but likes someone available nearby. Dullness. Sad, weeping, wants to run away. Aversion to sex. Sarcastic, critical, Depression from hormonal imbalances, business or family worries, loss, grief. Worse from cold air, before a thunderstorm. Better from warmth of bed, aggressive exercise.
Silicea (Hom) Pure Flint - Weak-willed, lack of confidence, timid, indecisive, no inner strength. Compensates by being stubborn and rigid about things. Fixed attitudes. Concerned about others opinions of them. Tries to live up to a specific image (parental, societal) and be accepted for it, not for one’s real worth. Fear of failure, yields to others. Very fastidious. Hard to show emotions. Worse from cold, during new moon, uncovering, lying down. Better from warmth, especially from wrapping up the head. Silicea is the chronic of Pulsatilla.
Sinapis arvensis (F) Mustard - For intense, black depression that descends like a dark cloud for no apparent reason and then goes away. Hopelessness, despair, feeling excluded from the world. Filled with negative thoughts. Depression relieved by Mustard often occurs before decisive steps are taken in life. Often one needs to experience darkness and pain to go through a period of accelerated learning, and come out on the other side stronger and wiser.
Staphysagria (Hom) Delphineum Stavesacre - Accepts authority, hates conflict, but very sensitive to humiliation, insult, abuse (mental and physical): results in suppressed rage, indignation. High expectations cause disappointments. Fear of loss of control with violent anger, outbursts. Over conscientious, particular, picky. High sex drive. Cannot bear to be alone. Worse from anger, tobacco, sexual excesses, from touch.
Stramonium (Hom) Thorn Apple - Anxiety from deep shock, seeing death, disasters, even long ago. Fears dark, evil, water, dogs, mirrors, closed places, people, new things. Violent angry outbursts or actions. Night terrors. Twitches, spasms. Worse in the dark and solitude Cannot walk into a dark room. Better from bright light, from company, warmth.
Turnera diffusa (H) Damiana - an excellent strengthening remedy for the nervous system and the hormonal system. Considered to be a specific in cases of anxiety and depression where there is a sexual factor.
Urtica dioica (F) Stinging Nettle - For people who are cold and angry, prone to be cruel and spiteful, perhaps because they feel stung by others or by what life has dealt them. Helps people to express and release to others more openly. Cleanses inner toxins and reduces tensions. Brings things out into the open to help re-establish unity.
Valeriana officinalis (H) Valerian - One of the most useful relaxing nervines available. Used to reduce tension and anxiety, over excitability and hysterical states. An effective aid in insomnia producing a natural healing sleep. A pain reliever indicated where pain is associated with tension.
Vinca (F) Periwinkle - For those who are prone to depression, nervous disorders, anxiety, seasonal affective disorder. Inner clariy and self knowledge help to dispel depression. May feel weak and anemic, prone to heavy bleeding and nosebleeds.