Matridonal Kit

$ 350.00

C4 Trituration. Hahnemann method of dilution and succussion.

Aqua amniota 12C, 24C

Folliculinum  4C, 15C, 30C,

Hypothal 7C, 30C

Lac-humana 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M

Moonstone 12C, 30C

Pituitary 7C, 30C

Placenta-humana 12C,  40C

Thyr whole gland 7C, 30C

Umbilicus-humana 12C, 24C, 36C

Vernix caseosa 6C, 12C, 30C,



25 Remedies, 2 dram vials, #30 size pellets


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